Meet one of our monthly partners, Hannah!
Monthly financial contributions from supporters and donors is a crucial way to ensure that we can open Restorations’ first home as soon as possible.
Hannah Van Dyk is one of our first monthly partners. We asked Hannah some questions that we would like to share with you all in hopes that you might consider monthly partnership too!
Hannah Van Dyk, monthly partner of Restorations
Hannah, how did you hear about Restorations?
“My work hosted a lunch and learn where Jennifer (Restorations’ Executive Director) came and spoke to us about human trafficking and sexual exploitation.”
How much did you know about human trafficking/sexual exploitation prior to hearing about Restorations’ work?
“I knew a little about it – I think I had read about a Christian singer doing work around this in a Christian girl magazine when I was in high school, and immediately thought, “people need to know more about this and do more about this!” But as I grew up and passions changed, I stopped paying attention to human trafficking and sexual exploitation stories.”
When you heard about Restorations, what moved you the most?
“Jennifer talked a lot about the hidden underbelly of human trafficking – not just all the push and pull factors, but also obstacles faced when someone is trying to remove themselves from this world. There’s what we may think we see happening on the streets, but there’s much more happening in the background – sort of like the 20% of an iceberg you can see, with 80% of the iceberg being underground.
Jennifer also shared a story of someone who was trafficked and she said, “Not once did any one ask me if I was okay, or if I needed help.” That not only moved me, but I immediately felt a shift in my heart.”
What compelled you to support Restorations on an ongoing basis?
“When Jennifer explained a lot of the obstacles women face when leaving the world of human trafficking – particularly around the area of informed, specialized services – I saw quickly how Restorations was stepping in to fill those gaps, and how they have concrete dreams and plans of being able to fill in those service gaps in the future.”
What are your hopes for Restorations’ future?
“I am so excited to see a community of survivors built up, who rejoice, experience restoration, and are released back into the world. I’m excited to see their work change the lives of women through holistic, long-term care. And I am excited to see how Restorations grows across Canada + restores hope and dignity to women.”
Jennifer also shared a story of someone who was trafficked and she said, “Not once did any one ask me if I was okay, or if I needed help.” That not only moved me, but I immediately felt a shift in my heart.
If, like Hannah, you are moved by the work we are doing to come alongside survivors on their journey towards healing and restoration, would you consider becoming a monthly partner?